10 Reasons to be Happy: Summer Edition

Whilst it may be hard to believe, as the wind howls outside our windows and the pavements fill with puddles, summer is just around the corner (apparently). As we are both currently inundated with exams and work, we thought it would be a nice idea to look for the positives in this time of year. So, without further ado, here are ten reasons to be happy that it is summer.

1. It's beautiful. There is nothing more glorious that waking up under the blue sky and seeing the streets alive with greenery. You appreciate the beauty of the world more and more, as the seasons change.

2. Buttercups, daisies, forget-me-nots, roses. These are the little things that make summer extra wonderful. There's nothing like sitting in the park and making a daisy chain.

3. Although it is rare here in England, the days when you can leave the house without a jacket, with bare legs and with a pair of sunglasses are some of the nicest there are. It's lovely to not feel buried under layers of woolen jumpers and furry coats.

4. Travelling! It's that time of year when the holidays you booked in the cold winter months finally become a reality. Travelling is one of our joint favourite things to do. This year, we're heading off to Cornwall, Budapest and Prague.

5. The reappearance of ice cream being sold on every corner is one of the first signs that summer is here. Nothing quite beats chocolate ice-cream (in Jade's case) or mint choc-chip (for Eliza) on one of the warmest days of the year,

6. Could we really make this post without mentioning summer fashion? Sandals, floaty dresses, mini-skirts and pastel colours - there is no season whose fashion is as light and breezy as summer. 

7. The constant smell of barbecues drifting over from your neighbours' gardens (our parents are vegetarians. Sad times) or the occasional get together with your friends over a portable grill in a field (you can tell we live in the north) are some of the best things in the summer. Why do burgers always taste better when it's hot? One of life's great mysteries.

8. Summer walks are one of the most relaxing and enjoyable things known to man. Packing a picnic and (Jade's) camera, before driving out onto the moors (we're literally so northern) is one of the best ways to spend a summer day, 

9. Usually a trip to the seaside entails a raincoat, sand being blown in your eyes and numb fingers, but it is finally the time of year in which you can ditch the waterproofs and brave the sea. Summer means long days at the beach and trying to stop your brothers stealing your ice cream or dipping it in sand for an "experiment". (Eliza cried. Seriously.)

10. And finally, FREEDOM. No more school and breaks from work make for endlessly warm happy summer days. The best thing about summer is irrefutably the feeling of having to do absolutely nothing.

And not a mention Froyo in sight. Bon voyage, readers. Have an excellent summer (not that we're going anywhere for a while).

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